Learning Business English: in Rayong and Chonburi, Thailand.

Learning Business English: in Rayong and Chonburi, Thailand.

It is now common practice for countries to create manufacturing or factory hubs, complexes or clusters which are in close proximity to ports, with easy logistics and enabling work places and jobs away from residential living. Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard throughout Chonburi and Rayong is one such area with clusters of manufacturing facilities. 

There is a wide range of industry in the Thailand Eastern Seaboard and many of those companies are located to support the logistics requirements of companies they buy from or sell to. Take the motor vehicle industry which has Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers/vendors in the local regions supporting vehicle assembly operations located there and shortening transport lead limes. These days, the local vendor companies will manufacture parts or components for a wide range of non-auto manufacturers also. Manufacturing in Thailand is now so diverse i.e. gas and oil rigs to packaged food to kitchen appliances to children’s toys to elite motor cycles, etc. 

Who is manufacturing in the Eastern Seaboard?

Furthermore, almost every major manufacturing nation is represented in the Eastern Seaboard i.e. Thai, French, Japanese, South Korean, British, American, Australian, Canadian, Chinese, German, Norwegian, Indonesian, Indian and etc. All buying and selling to each other locally, importing raw materials and components internationally and exporting finished product in their region or globally. 

What is the common language that companies use when dealing internationally or inside the manufacturing complexes or clusters where the many multi-national and Thai companies are situated?

The common Business language to which the world speaks and does business is English. All of these companies in Thailand must communicate in English to get business completed successfully, locally and internationally. Business English must be spoken to be competitive. Foreigners and Thais work together in the same organisation, locally and internationally to communicate to put actions into effect i.e. order, deliver, pay, receive, stock, manufacture, sell, ship, transport, etc. 

Why do a Business English Course?

Business English is English Language especially related to the language used in business and international trade.

Business English focuses on the vocabulary and topics used throughout the business world and the communication skills needed in the workplace.

What will you learn differently in a Business English Course?

Business English lessons aim to cover a range of skills that are found in everyday work scenarios.

Unlike a general English course, the vocabulary and dialogue will be focused on scenarios such as manufacturing processes, commercial processes, negotiating deals, business communication and presentations to clients or colleagues.

How good at English do you need to be to do a Business English Course?

Business English courses and the use of the English language within the courses requires at least a pre-intermediate level of English. If the team/team members are not at a pre-intermediate level then a General Elementary English course should be completed first.

How to get a Business English Course started at your company?

A number of companies have their staff enroll in English courses at a language school. However other companies with the appropriate budget provisions and forward plans to develop their team, ask Business English Training experts to provide tailored courses which suit their organisation.

Depending on the industry, a lot of the business English used is specific to that company or industry.

To make the most from a Business English Course it is best for trainers of Business English to have, in advance, a list of industry specific terms and vocabulary/words. Good trainers will work with HR departments of the companies to include these in their lesson plans and show how these terms should be used and in the correct context.

Your trainer may obtain leaflets, emails, Power-Point presentations, desk procedures, practices and procedure manuals, health and safety manuals or reports in order to customise a Business English program for your specific company.

What is TOEIC?

Certain companies have imbedded TOEIC in their Business English programs.

TOEIC, or Test Of English for International Communication is an internationally recognised qualification which focuses on aspects within the business sphere. It is highly recognised by companies across Thailand and the world over as evidence of proficiency in English in a business environment. Make your enquiry here about Toeic https://slsteflschool.com/toeic/

What are SLS School & Training Centre customers saying?

SLS’s Business English clients say there is a real need to deal with both customers and suppliers in English in future. They say they need to act fast to have their Thai employees communicate effectively and with confidence in English conversation and by email. It is now a recognised need for employees to be able to express themselves fluently, both inside and outside the company in English. Companies want to be ahead or match their competitors. https://slsteflschool.com/sls-business-english/

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